To ensure we are meeting the needs of today’s Tulane employees, the Staff Advisory Council has convened an ad hoc committee to review the council’s mission and structure. Information on the SAC website may not be up to date during this time.

About SAC

Mission Statement

The Staff Advisory Council (SAC), established at Tulane in 1981, consists of officers, representatives from all campuses, members-at-large, and ex-officio members from the administration.  As the only staff assembly recognized by the administration, the Staff Advisory Council's mission is to review matters related to all staff members and to act as an advocate, serving as the voice for all staff by formulating recommendations to the University’s administration.  The SAC’s foremost commitment is to unite the Tulane Community in the creation of an ideal workplace while enhancing the stature of Tulane University.  The SAC facilitates communication, builds community, increases recognition opportunities, and promotes personal and professional growth for staff.


  • Represent all staff in an effort to enhance the workplace environment and act as advocates for the staff’s position and concerns when brought before the administration.
  • Expand electronic communications to broaden dissemination of information related to the SAC and staff.
  • Encourage participation in community projects and select a specific project for SAC involvement.


  • Requesting official interpretation or clarification of university policies.
  • Discussing and expressing its views on matters of overall staff welfare.
  • Recommending modifications of university policy.
  • Suggesting staff employee representation on any appropriate university committee.
  • Seeking staff employee representation on an appropriate university committee.
  • Being a productive voice to further the aims of the university through improved relations among all staff employees and between all staff employees and the university administration.
  • Fostering internal partnerships and external relations between staff employees, faculty, students, the greater New Orleans community.

Check out this information session or view this powerpoint presentation to learn more about what SAC does.