To ensure we are meeting the needs of today’s Tulane employees, the Staff Advisory Council has convened an ad hoc committee to review the council’s mission and structure. Information on the SAC website may not be up to date during this time.

Dependent Tuition Waiver and Enrollment Options 101

Important Enrollment and Admission Information

Admission of a dependent to the Tulane University Undergraduate Program, the School of Professional Advancement, or the Tuition Exchange is NOT an automatic benefit of employment at Tulane University. Please review the following presentation materials and contact the appropriate department to understand the requirements for admission.

If your dependent is considering applying to the Undergraduate Program, please follow the tips below from the Office of Admission.

  • Schedule a formal campus visit with an information session and campus tour
  • Apply early (Early Decision or Early Action)
  • Thoroughly complete the application for admission (optional statement, activities)
  • Maintain contact with our liaison for faculty and staff dependents, Kristin Guidry
  • Read the TU Admission Blog – lots of great tips on there

Visit the Undergraduate Admission site to explore campus visits, admission and financial aid programs, including programs for Louisiana students.



For the tuition exchange program, does a dependent of a faculty/staff member from the university where my dependent want to go need to come to Tulane?

Not necessarily. The exchange refers to an overall number of import students versus export students. We are not required to have an exchange with a specific member school in order for a scholarship to be offered. However, the school of interest may include that criteria as part of their own policy for scholarship selection.

If a dependent chooses to apply early action to NTC through undergraduate admission in November, if the student is not admitted, is there still time to apply to SoPA for the fall?

Yes, all final admission notifications are made by April 1 regarding applications for full-time study at NTC. The SoPA deadline is typically in early August.

Contacts and Links

Tuition Waiver Benefit

Tulane Benefits Office

Complete Tuition Waiver Benefit Information

Undergraduate Admission

Kristin Guidry

Admission information for Louisiana applicants

Louisiana Promise Information

School of Professional Advancement Admission

Sheila Gold

SoPA Application

Transition from School of Professional Advancement to Newcomb-Tulane College

Dolores Hemphill, Assistant Dean for Advising

NTC Advising Website

Tuition Exchange/Financial Aid

Cherie Plaideau

(504) 865-5723

Tulane University – Tuition Exchange Export Policy and Application Instructions

Tuition Exchange EZ Application Instructions and Application

Tuition Exchange School Search

FAFSA Application

TOPS Information

College Board – College Scholarship Services Profile (CSS Profile)