To ensure we are meeting the needs of today’s Tulane employees, the Staff Advisory Council has convened an ad hoc committee to review the council’s mission and structure. Information on the SAC website may not be up to date during this time.

Bead Recycling Locations

Wondering what to do with all the beads and plush you caught at Mardi Gras? The SAC Community Service Committee has you covered! Following are some convenient locations to drop off your Mardi Gras items for recycling. Recycling programs not only reduce the environmental impact of Mardi Gras, but also provide vocational training and wage-earning jobs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


For over 30 years, ArcGNO has created wage-earning jobs for individuals with intellectual disabilities by recycling Mardi Gras throws. ArcGNO offers year-round bead recycling as well as extra drop-off spots during carnival season. 

Click here to find the ArcGNO donation bin nearest you. Locations include: 


ArcGNO Uptown Community Center – 1771 Nashville Ave, New Orleans, LA 70115 (Year-round) Whole Foods – 5600 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70115 (Year-round) New Orleans Public Libraries (Seasonal only)


Tulane University/1555 Poydras: 6th floor seating area; 10th floor reception; 11th floor kitchen (Seasonal only) Tulane School of Social Work – 127 Elks Place, 3rd Floor (Seasonal only) New Orleans Public Libraries (Seasonal only)


ArcGNO – 925 Labarre Rd, Metairie, LA 70001 Rouses – 2701 Airline Dr, Metairie, LA 70001 Jefferson Parish Public Libraries (Seasonal only)


ArcGNO Northshore Community Center – 106 East 25th Ave, Covington, LA 70433

St. Michael Special School

Since 1965, St. Michael has educated students age six through adulthood with intellectual and developmental disabilities. St. Michael students and graduates sort and sell beads for an annual fundraiser.  

1522 Chippewa Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 – Call 504-524-7285 for dropoff information