To ensure we are meeting the needs of today’s Tulane employees, the Staff Advisory Council has convened an ad hoc committee to review the council’s mission and structure. Information on the SAC website may not be up to date during this time.

Staff Acknowledgements

Staff Appreciation

Each year SAC co-hosts staff appreciation events with Human Resources. Recent events have included free snowballs with President Fitts and a Staff Appreciation Day at a home football game. Stay tuned for events for 2021-2022.

Each year SAC also co-hosts a recognition event with Human Resources for Tulane staff members celebrating anniversary years ending in '0s and '5s. Invitations are mailed from Human Resources to those staff members who had an anniversary date in the previous calendar year.


Staff Excellence

President's Staff Excellence Award

The President's Staff Excellence Award is bestowed every year on the top university staff employees who best represent high achievement in their contributions to the university. Award recipients receive a one-time cash award and will be honored during a unified recognition event in the spring.

President's Team Excellence Award

The University is introducing a new award to recognize departments, teams or groups of employees whose achievements advance or support the university's initiatives to transform the Tulane experience. Recipients will receive a one-time cash award and will be honored during a unified recognition event this spring which will include staff members who reach milestone service anniversaries.

Yvette Milner Jones Award

In recognition of Yvette M. Jones' longstanding leadership, dedication, and tireless service to the advancement of Tulane University, the Tulane University Board established the Yvette Milner Jones Award. This award will be bestowed upon an outstanding Tulane University staff member or administrator for his or her superior achievement, dedicated service, and involvement in the affairs of the Tulane University community.


To learn about other staff appreciation and staff excellence events, please see here.